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Amy Purdy @ PopTech

Amy Purdy @ PopTech

Amy Purdy shares her story @ PopTech in Camden, Maine

Jack Andraka at TED

Jack Andraka at TED

Jack shares his remarkable journey from science hunch to science discovery.

Jessica Buchanan, Impossible Odds

Jessica Buchanan, Impossible Odds

NGO aid worker, Jessica Buchanan, shares her story about being kidnapped by Somali land pirates and held captive for 92 days at a Navy SEAL Foundation fundraiser in Beverly Hills, CA. Sharing her story allowed her to pay tribute to the soldiers who saved her life.

Robert Rutherford wins pitch

Robert Rutherford wins pitch

Winner of the Tech Coast Angels 90 Second Fast Pitch competition at UCLA

Bryan Clay, Olympian Decathlon

Bryan Clay, Olympian Decathlon

Olympic Gold Decathlon Medalist Bryan Clay shares his personal story of focus, determination and heart with the employees of Bridgestone.

Professor Charis Kubrin

Professor Charis Kubrin

A riveting story about "Rap On Trial" delivered at TEDxOrangeCoast. Winner of the 2015 Cicero Speechwriting Awards.

Dr Michael Neely - Right Dose

Dr Michael Neely - Right Dose

Dr. Mike Neely pitches (and wins) to the grant committee at Ideas Empowered at USC Stevens.

Karen Kerr, GE Ventures

Karen Kerr, GE Ventures

Karen Kerr, Senior Managing Director at GE Ventures shares the GE manufacturing vision at the FabTech Expo in Chicago.

Janet Evans, Olympian

Janet Evans, Olympian

After nearly twenty years after swimming competitively, Janet Evans shares the touching and inspirational story of her comeback.

adidas Workshop

adidas Workshop

Two day presentation coaching intensive for the Western Region adidas sales force — everyone had the chance to stand and deliver!

Veronica Yan, PhD

Veronica Yan, PhD

Presenting her dissertation @UCLA, "From Struggling to Learn to Learning to Struggle"

UCI Grad Symposium

UCI Grad Symposium

Chad Hedricks

Chad Hedricks

Chad Hedricks, Olympic Speed Skater - 5 Time Medalist

Startup UCLA

Startup UCLA

Prepping entrepreneurs to pitch @StartupUCLA

Priscilla Zhao, PhD

Priscilla Zhao, PhD

Priscilla Yitong Zhao, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Priscilla presents her research at the IEEE conference in Hawaii.

Barbara giving final delivery tips..

Barbara giving final delivery tips..

Dissertation Launchpad

Fencing Olympian, Tim Morehouse

Fencing Olympian, Tim Morehouse

Bronze medalist Tim Morehouse adds his name to the list for a few rounds of last minute story and presentation coaching with me — there's no doubt he works hard!


“I wanted to thank you again for helping us secure the Coulter seed grant as well as $680K in Venture funding. Stirring up audiences emotions with powerful images and the right words works!  Thanks again for all your help."

Mike Kwon / WhiteCoat Healthcare  / CEO

"Barbara is an outstanding speechwriter and coach. We hired her at UCLA to work with 10 Ph.D. students learning to present their research to a general audience. Barbara got results!  I would not consider doing such a program without her in the future - she is that amazing!

Jim Stigler / UCLA / Associate Dean for Research & Innovation

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